Advanced Selective English Mastery

EXCLUSIVELY taught by NL English Academy principal, Nelson Luo.

Please note that this course is tailored with advanced content/theory and is suitable for students above average/top of their cohort. Students who are average or below average in their school may struggle with the content in this course.

This exclusive 5-day advanced holiday program focuses on Year 5 Selective English mastery, and is personally taught by the NL English Academy principal, Nelson Luo.

NL English Academy

About Nelson Luo:

  • Principal of NL English Academy, leading 100s of students towards and into the top 10% band in Selective reading & writing
  • Ex North Sydney Boys, 98.20 ATAR
  • 100% UNSW Co-Op scholarship recipient
  • HSC English distinguished achiever
  • Personal mentor for 50+ students


  • 5x 2h personalised and advanced Selective English mastery theory lessons (covering all topics)
  • 1 on 1 meeting with Nelson before the program to discuss your child’s individual areas of improvement and current performance, as the aim is to address them and accelerate your child throughout the program
  • Detailed individual student feedback video evaluating your child after the program

The program is strictly limited to 6 students a class (2 classes total), first-in first-served.

Note: Students are accepted on a first-in first-serve basis. The 1 week trial is not applicable for this course. Strictly limited spots available.

Key Dates, Time Slots & Program Schedule

Update: Class 2 is FULL. Waitlist available upon request.

Selective Test English Mastery English Tutoring Online | NL English Academy

Selective Test English Mastery English Tutoring Online | NL English Academy


ASTEM - Extension (2h classes)

$750/5x 2h advanced online theory lessons

  • 5x 2h personalised and advanced theory lessons taught by NL English Academy principal, Nelson Luo
  • Complimentary 1 on 1 meeting with Nelson Luo to discuss your child's learning goals, gaps and individual areas of improvement.
  • Detailed individual student feedback video evaluating your child after the program
  • Exam tips, preparation checklists & more
  • On-demand access to tutor feedback
  • 24/7 support (via WhatsApp)

If you have any questions, please contact us here β†’